Here is the newest painting, now up for viewing at the Portside Parlor and Art Gallery in Olde City, Philadelphia.
This is 11 x 14", watercolor and acrylic on watercolor paper. This is for the show "Love/Hate". I chose the latin phrase "Odi et Amo" which means "to love and to hate", along with 2 tattoo machines. I enjoyed making this painting and am now inspired again.
Here is a work in progress for the upcoming show called "Water", coming to the Portside Parlor in March or April, we're not sure yet :)
This painting is on cold press illustration board, and I'm using inks for this. I haven't measured it yet, but it's approx 11" x 6" maybe?
I finished this a few weeks ago, but while I was away in Hawaii during December/January I didn't do many paintings, alot of sketching though. I tried to keep to myself for the most part, spent alot of alone time and worked at the tattoo shop everyday as sales.
I am also proud to announce that I got my tattoo artist license in Hawaii! woot! so stoked to get started.
I also worked on these two mask paintings while I was away. I'm going to have these professionally printed once I get the extra cash and hopefully starting an online etsy page to sell them. We'll see how that pans out.
These are watercolor and ink on watercolor paper. More to come.
This is 11 x 14", watercolor and acrylic on watercolor paper. This is for the show "Love/Hate". I chose the latin phrase "Odi et Amo" which means "to love and to hate", along with 2 tattoo machines. I enjoyed making this painting and am now inspired again.
Here is a work in progress for the upcoming show called "Water", coming to the Portside Parlor in March or April, we're not sure yet :)
This painting is on cold press illustration board, and I'm using inks for this. I haven't measured it yet, but it's approx 11" x 6" maybe?
I finished this a few weeks ago, but while I was away in Hawaii during December/January I didn't do many paintings, alot of sketching though. I tried to keep to myself for the most part, spent alot of alone time and worked at the tattoo shop everyday as sales.
I am also proud to announce that I got my tattoo artist license in Hawaii! woot! so stoked to get started.
I also worked on these two mask paintings while I was away. I'm going to have these professionally printed once I get the extra cash and hopefully starting an online etsy page to sell them. We'll see how that pans out.
These are watercolor and ink on watercolor paper. More to come.